Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Woods Hole [Oceanographic Institution]... Scrubs Data on Pacific Radiation | flying cuttlefish picayune [mirror of googlecache 11/20/15 ]

  • I want to respect the flying cuttlefish -- at present only posting image and (possibly dead) inline hyperlink
mentions/background info/hyperlinks: 
  • YouTube link:
  • BACKGROUND LINK #2 does not exist.  The word "scrubs" is merely colored red; it is not a link, or perhaps the link had already been removed as of the cache creation date
original URLS (now scrubbed of remark): 
  • original URL: 
    • Text before:
      • Woods Hole Sh*ts in Pants — Scrubs Data on Pacific Radiation
        20 11 2015
        They are scared to death of Dana Durnford and his hounds!
        Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Fukushima radiation data scrub
        An error occurred.
        Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
        LINK –
        “Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution scrubs their Fukushima Cesium radiation contamination data. The test results from 2011 and 2012 seem to be gone, and some of their 2013-2014 data seems to be missing. Could it be tied to the arrest of anti-nuclear activist Dana Durnford?”

    • Text now
      •  "Error 404
        Sorry, but you are looking for something that is not here"
  • cached page
  • retrieved from Internet Archive: 
    • This page hopefully -- that was the point
    • link (may not be in archive's version)
  • screenshots -- see above 
    • were cut and pasted together to include still from video-- my browser prevented me from seeing the still in its native habitat
Be seeing you.

Woods Hole [Oceanographic Institution]... Scrubs Data on Pacific Radiation | flying cuttlefish picayune [mirror of googlecache 11/20/15 ]

  • I want to respect the flying cuttlefish -- at present only posting image and (possibly dead) inline hyperlink
mentions/background info/hyperlinks: 
  • YouTube link:
  • BACKGROUND LINK #2 does not exist.  The word "scrubs" is merely colored red; it is not a link, or perhaps the link had already been removed as of the cache creation date
original URLS (now scrubbed of remark): 
  • original URL: 
    • Text before:
      • Woods Hole Sh*ts in Pants — Scrubs Data on Pacific Radiation
        20 11 2015
        They are scared to death of Dana Durnford and his hounds!
        Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Fukushima radiation data scrub
        An error occurred.
        Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
        LINK –
        “Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution scrubs their Fukushima Cesium radiation contamination data. The test results from 2011 and 2012 seem to be gone, and some of their 2013-2014 data seems to be missing. Could it be tied to the arrest of anti-nuclear activist Dana Durnford?”

    • Text now
      •  "Error 404
        Sorry, but you are looking for something that is not here"
  • cached page
  • retrieved from Internet Archive: 
    • This page hopefully -- that was the point
    • link (may not be in archive's version)
  • screenshots -- see above 
    • were cut and pasted together to include still from video-- my browser prevented me from seeing the still in its native habitat
Be seeing you.